Terong, potong bentuk dadu besar
Tomat merah, cincang
Minyak untuk menggoreng terong dan menumis saus balado
Saus Balado:
Cabai merah
Bawang merah
Garam secukupnya
Sedikit gula pasir
Perasan air jeruk nipis secukupnya
Cara Membuat Resep Masakan Taruang Balado:
1. Campur jadi satu cabai merah dan bawang merah, bubuhi garam secukupnya, giling kasar, sisihkan.
2. Goreng terong hingga layu, tiriskan dan sisihkan. Sisakan minyak secukupnya untuk menumis cabai yang telah digiling.
3. Tumis cabai hingga harum, masukkan tomat, layukan, bubuhi gula pasir, aduk rata. Kemudian masukkan terong, beri perasan air jeruk nipis, matikan api, aduk hingga terong dan saus tercampur rata, angkat dan atur dalam pinggan saji.
4. Santap dengan nasi panas.
Eggplant, cut into large dice
Red tomatoes, chopped
Oil for frying and sautéing eggplant sauce Balado

ingredients:Eggplant, cut into large dice
Red tomatoes, chopped
Oil for frying and sautéing eggplant sauce Balado
Balado sauce:
cayenne pepper
salt to taste
A little sugar
Lime juice to taste
cayenne pepper
salt to taste
A little sugar
Lime juice to taste
How to Make Recipes Taruang Balado:
1. Mix together red peppers and red onions, season with salt to taste, minced coarse,
set aside.
2. Fried eggplant until wilted, drain and set aside. Leave just enough oil to
sauteed peppers that have been milled.
3. Stir-fry until fragrant chili, put tomatoes, layukan, season sugar and stir well.
Then enter the eggplant, put lime juice, turn off the heat, stir until the eggplant and
sauce well blended, remove from heat and arrange in a serving dish.
4. Eat with hot rice.
1. Mix together red peppers and red onions, season with salt to taste, minced coarse,
set aside.
2. Fried eggplant until wilted, drain and set aside. Leave just enough oil to
sauteed peppers that have been milled.
3. Stir-fry until fragrant chili, put tomatoes, layukan, season sugar and stir well.
Then enter the eggplant, put lime juice, turn off the heat, stir until the eggplant and
sauce well blended, remove from heat and arrange in a serving dish.
4. Eat with hot rice.