1. 1 buah brokoli, potong kuntum
2. Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng
3. Adonan: dicampur jadi satu
4. Garam, merica secukupnya
5. 2 siung bawang putih, cincang
6. 50 gram terigu
7. 30 gram tepung bumbu
8. 1 butir telur
Bahan Saus:
1. 2 siung bawang putih, cincang
2. 1 sendok teh kecap ikan
3. ½ sendok teh minyak wijen
4. 100 cc air
5. Minyak secukupnya ubtuk menumis
Cara Membuat Resep Masakan Bakwan Brokoli:
1. Brokoli di campur dengan adonan
2. Goreng sekuntum-kuntum sampai matang
3. Hidangkan dengan saus
1. Tumis bawang putih sampai harum
2. Masukkan saus tiram, kecap ikan, minyak wijen
3. Masak sebentar. Beri air.Masak mendidih. Untuk 4 porsi
CUISINE RECIPES bakwan Broccoli
1. 1 piece of broccoli, cut into florets
2. To taste Oil for frying
3. Dough: they are put together
4. Salt, pepper to taste
5. 2 cloves garlic, minced
6. 50 grams of flour
7. 30 grams of flour seasoning
8. 1 egg
Sauce Ingredients:
1. 2 cloves garlic, minced
2. 1 teaspoon fish sauce
3. ½ teaspoon sesame oil
4. 100 cc of water
5. Ubtuk frying oil to taste
How to Make Broccoli Recipes Bakwan:
1. Broccoli is mixed with dough
2. A flower-bud fry until cooked
3. Serve with sauce
1. Saute the garlic until fragrant
2. Enter the oyster sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil
3. Cook briefly. Give Cook boiling water. Serves 4